Takina opening


Partners in the making

Transforming a city isn’t easy. Each major infrastructure project, depending on its scope and scale, has a unique make up of suppliers, stakeholders, and mana whenua partners who work together to deliver outstanding results.

Takina opening

We work alongside our Tākai Here partners to align all our major projects with our Tupiki Ora strategy, ensuring the intergenerational wellbeing of whānau, our environment, and te ao Māori. 

How we coordinate, prioritise and mitigate disruption is guided by the Wellington Development Response Plan.  The Development Response Plan sets out a framework for outlining principles, guidelines and tools required by all parties as a part of the delivery of capital infrastructure projects across the city.  

Brad at Wellington water
Te Matapihi worker
Waka Kotahi logo
Wellington Electricity logo
Wellington Water logo
GWRC logo logo

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